The Crew Driving Across America In Style

Overall 7/10 Total game score
QUALITY 6.5/10Overall quality score
8/10Runs exceptionaly well with minimal crashing, does not require a high end PC
Controls 5/10Partially clunky changes many things from most typical racing games, can be changed
Graphics 7/10Not the worst could use improvements, when driving fast graphics dont exactly matter
6.5/10Overall game play score
Difficulty 6/10Can be changed, will differ from person to person
Content 9/10Alot of races, vehicles, events, activites
Immersion 7/10 Not too many glitches, physics were normal
Story 5/10 Story did not effect game at all sometimes forgot it was there
DESIGN 8.5/10 Overall design score
7/10 Action filled songs that fit extremely well with the racing theme
Interface 8/10 Extremely clean, easy to navigate
Mapping 10/10 Free roam map that is a partial replica of the United States

Racing games have always been decently fun for me but get boring after a little while, theirs only so much fun a person can have going around a small town with the same handful of cars.

Image result for the crew cop cars cinematic

The Crew however does not have this problem, from simply driving race cars, chasing people down in cop cars or jumping over desert hills on a dirt bike, The Crew with its extremely huge map, you seem to never run out of things to do.

With hundreds of races to play around in, cops to run away from, and too many cars to count and collect this game definitely has alot of content, where it starts to fall short is with its story, its not very interesting and most of the time I forgot what it was until i was forced to do it when I wanted to progress to the next tier of gameplay, the story is just a bunch of characters with no meaningful conversations or stories that mesh together into a forgetful mess that you wish wasn’t there.

The music and map are two of the best things in the game besides the amount of content, with a 1:3 scale of America there is definitely some awesome things to see, whether its driving through the swamps of Florida, passing by the statue of liberty, or driving over the golden gate bridge while jamming out to a great soundtrack, alot of things will be remembered about this game and I personally hope they continue the series, maybe without a story.

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